This is one avenue I really never thought I would be involved with a couple when I started planning weddings and blogging. However... I find I am asked questions pertaining to the gift registry quite often. That said, I thought a blog on all things wedding registry might be helpful to couples out there who find themselves a little "trigger shy" when it comes to that little laser gun.
Where to register? What to register for? Do I really need all these gifts? I already have everything I need? Do I have to register for china? How many place settings? The questions go on and on.... Let me off you some of my "rules of engagement" when it comes to this topic.
Now is the time to register for things that suit your style as a couple and ditch your single styles... his huge college beer mug and your pink sparkly plastic plates should be traded in for more refined homegoods that suit both of you... as a couple. The old fashioned view that the "woman makes the home" still holds true to a certain extent... but Lenox Butterfly may not be the best choice for you and your husband to be.
Do the registry together! Have fun... enjoy the day dream of all your new things and using them together in your new life. If it gets stressful or becomes taunting... just put the gun down! You can do the registry over a few days. Best not to rush and get trigger happy just to get it all done right away. Listen to each other and talk it out! This is a great time to practice those compromise skills!
Make it personal... monogram towels and bedding are popular for a reason. A lot of couples opt to personalize a master bedroom or give a hotel feel to a guest bedroom by showing off their new family monogram.
Keep it fun!! A few novelty items thrown in are sure to get purchased right away... and lightens up the rest of the serious gifts... and will be the perfect gift for that crazy cousin to get for you!
Register in Range... make sure you do not only have "top of the line" gifts with expensive price tags on your registry. This is simply bad taste. The best registries have a variety of styles, items and price points for guests to be able to comfortably purchase gifts they know you'll love and ones they can feel good about giving.
If you only take one thing away from this blog... and only remember one tip... make it this one! Never, ever forget to send a "thank you". An easy way to make sure you are timely with your thank you cards... address the envelopes before the shower or wedding! You will only have to write out the cards, seal them and send them after the big day! The earlier you send them the better... but it's never to late to send a note of thanks to anyone who was generous to you!
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